Friday, September 27, 2013

Be careful who you allow in your life!

As I sit in my home, with the windows open and the ocean breeze is coming through, I am thinking about the people I allow into my life. I have read the book, called the Energy Bus, by Jon Gordon that says that you should only allow people on your bus, that you think are going in the direction you want in life. You are not careful, you will allow Energy Vampires on the bus. I have not been careful over the past two years of who I allow to come on the ride. I have allowed Drama Queens and people with bad attitudes, like they sucked a lemon, onto my bus. I have a vision and a direction that I am going in. I want Goal Oriented, Positive, Focus Driven people in my life, to help me to achieve my goals and for me to help them with theirs.

Now, I have heard it said, that you become the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Are you picking wisely? Are you picking people who cause drama, or those who inspire you? Are you picking people who build you up or tear you down? It is time for me to pick wisely....

If you are looking for a great book to read...The Energy Bus by Jon Gordon is a great read and I highly recommend it....

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