Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year to all..Some tips for 2014

I saw on a posting that my friend did on Facebook...

"Friends, I notice a lot of you posting "Ah! 2014 will be a good year!". Sorry to break the news but ALL years are the same: they all have 12 months, 52 year and 365 days (366 if it's a leap year). The one that needs to do and be good is YOU..."---Aaron Alarcon Bowen...

It made me think hard last night..that 2014 will be the same 365 days that every other year has but It is how we use the time to our benefit that matters..What are you going to do that will make 2014 a great year? I am a student of personal development and soak in the knowledge that I read and listen to...So here are some tips for making 2014 a great year...

1. What intake are you commit to in 2014? ...what books, what audio programs, what are you going to learn in 2014?

2. What associations with people are you going to try to make or deepen? You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with (Jim Rohn Quote)...you have to ask the question...are these people building me up or tearing me down? 

3. What is going to be your self talk for 2014? Do you see yourself as a winner or do you tear yourself down...

4. Do you have Handwritten Goals and a action plan in place? Do you make a conscious effort to do at least 5 things each day to help reach those goals...

5. Do you have a Crystal Clear Vision of what you want 2014 to look like? When your feet hit the floor in the morning...do you see the Vision?

There are many other tips for a Successful and Happy New Year...but these are mine that I am going to follow to help me have the Best New Year!

Happy New Year to all!

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters

Friday, December 27, 2013

What I Learned in 2013...Lessons from the whirlwind...

Well, since is my last blog post of 2013...I thought I Blog about what I learned this year...

1. Be Specific... I learned what when asking for something in regards to a Goal...BE SPECIFIC...You can't just say, I want to make more money, or I want to save more money, or I want to lose weight ... You have to be as Specific as possible down the smallest detail....or ...you the vision of what your want will be diluted.

2. Always focus on the positive...Period...No matter what is going on in your life...there is always something to be grateful for. Focus on it..like a Laser Beam..Do not get stuck on the P.L.O.M...The poof little old me attitude...Get stuck on How Wonderful Life is...Have a Clear Positive Vision for the day...

3. Trust your Gut! If your Gut is saying no...Follow it....Have a deep belief in yourself and trust what your inner voice is saying...

4. The First Person you should impact is yourself...make sure that when you are trying to impact others lives, make sure you do not trample yourself.....Make sure that you always listen to what your needs and wants are..be able to express what you want...

5. A Goal without an Action Plan is a recipe to a disaster...You should when you set a Written Goal..Map out an action plan to getting to the Goal...Things you can do on a Daily Basis and put into your daily plans...

6.  Everyone is Worthy of Success...God did not build a Staircase of Success leading to nowhere...all of us deserve Success and I do not care if you are 5 years old or 100, Success is always there for each person to pursue...I heard it said...that "Success is the progressive realization of a worthy goal or ideal" Earl Nightingale...We define success then pursue it... 

7. One last thing I learned is that when you get to the end of your rope, it is alright to ask for help..I know it is natural to want to isolate and try to solve all the problems yourself. Most people Isolate and Build a moat around themselves and smile and say they are fine. It does not make you weak to ask for help, it only helps you to make you to be stronger...I know I am a giver by nature, but when you don't ask for help, you deny other givers to help you...

Well this is all that I learned ...in 2013...What lessons and Successes will I have in 2014? Stay Tuned....

Tell me what you learned this year...

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Failure is an Event...Not a Person...

"Winners dwell on and hold the self-image of that person they would most like to become. They get a vivid, clear, emotional, sensory picture of themselves as if they had already achieved their new role in life." ---Anonymous

This Holiday weekend, I have had some time to think and to do some reading...I just finished "Over the Top" by Zig Ziglar, which I highly recommend people read. Now he says in the book, that Failure is an Event, not a person, and yesterday truly did end last night. I think we have to be extremely careful about this, due to the fact their are going to be times, that people will judge us and tell us we are a failure or we are going to fail. I had this happen this year and I listened.  I started to think, in my mind, that I was a failure. But then I remembered, that a wise man named Brian Buffini said that winners and losers are only defined at the end of life and I have not left this earth yet.

Now, I know all us us have fallen and failed at something in life, but you only fail if you stay down and do not get up. I am getting set to set some 2014 goals in all my circles. I will have a crystal clear vision of what I want to accomplish in 2014. Have you started to think of what you want to achieve? Have you written down your goals? One thing, I want to impress on you, is that you must have a crystal clear vision of what you want to accomplish in 2014. You must see it as it already happened. If you fall, just get up and start down the path to you goals again..... One thing...I will say...be very careful on who you allow to tell you that you can't do something or that you are a failure. Surround yourself with people who say you can and will help you up when you fall...

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters

Sunday, November 24, 2013

The Holidays are upon us...

As I write this, I know that Thanksgiving is almost upon us, and my thoughts are on the year that is almost over. I know that Thanksgiving, Christmas, Hanukkah, and New Years will coming rushing upon us before we have time to think. But my thoughts, are to the past and the future. My business is focused on a Community of Relationships that I have built over the past 12 years and my life is also built on trying to impact lives for the better. I stay in contact with these people and families through visits, calls, personal notes, and many other ways. The people in my community have become part of my family.

But, in the past year, I have know people who have died through Cancer, Strokes, Heart Attacks, Suicides, and a myriad of other ways. I have, to my best prayed and been there for the families. But as the Holidays are upon us, I think, of the people that are not with us. My wish is this Holiday Season, is everyone to be just a little bit more grateful, hold hugs longer, smile frequently, and do not let words that should be said to be held inside...and, always when you leave, make sure you say one positive or uplifting thing to anyone you love.  You never know when it is someone's time to leave this Earth. This is my Holiday Wish! Always plan life you are going to live forever but act like this is your last day on earth....

Always be grateful and thankful for those who you love and those who love you...

Happy Holidays!

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Christmas Cards.....

I was thinking, as I was writing a personal note to someone in my business community, that each year that passes, I receive less and less handwritten Christmas cards. I know that handwritten personal notes is a good way to develop and strengthen relationships. I learned this from Brian Buffini at a Turning Point for business. It takes time and effort to send one out and I also know that it is exciting to me when I receive one in the mailbox.

Every year, I would take the cards that I received, and place them on top of the entertainment center. I would see them until after the ball dropped on New Years, and pack up the one's that meant something in storage. I would find them again on the following year, when I unpacked the Christmas decorations to put up. I used to receive so many that at times, that it was a struggle to put them all up. 

But in the past few years, I receive text messages and Facebook greetings saying Happy Holidays...call me old fashioned, but I love the Christmas Card with a personal little note inside. This year, I hope, you send out to the people that you are grateful for in your life, a handwritten personal Christmas card....

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters

Friday, November 8, 2013

Damaged people are dangerous......

“Damaged people are dangerous. They know they can survive.”

I have been thinking about this quote lately. When I feel like giving up, or going through a hard patch, I think about all the struggles I have gone through in the past, and came through it, to a better place. I know we are all damaged in some way, and we have all come through it. This gives me strength. When going through adversity and your perseverance muscles are running weak. Just know, you can do it if you do not give up in spirit. Life is good but it is not great all the time. 

This is one of the tricks, to go through adversity...remember a time when you have gone through a rough patch, and you did not give up! You came through it! You succeeded and crossed the finish line. Just remember that and it will give you the strength to get you through your current struggles...

This last year, has been full of adversity and it would have been easy to give up...But I know I have survived in the past and I know I will do so in the future... Success is not easy, but it is so worth the effort....I welcome you input on how you overcome adversity!

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters

Thursday, October 24, 2013

When Two People Buy a Property....

Tonight, I watched Million Dollar Listing and I saw a couple who were having a disagreement over buying a home. This struck a nerve with me. After, being in Real Estate for 12 years, and helping couples buy homes, and being in that situation myself , I thought how do people get exactly what they want when purchasing a home without it becoming World War III in a relationship?

When I meet buyers, I ask them, lets picture it is 90 days after the closing, where do you picture yourself? Describe to the smallest detail, what you see? The home, the neighborhood, everything that they are looking for. Then I inform them that they might get form 90 to 95 percent of what they are looking for. I ask them where are they bendable...One of the toughest situations is where, I ask that question and both people tell me something different. I know at that time, they have not talked or communicated their needs to each other.

I recommend that couples should sit down with a pad and an adult beverage ( I love a glass of wine) and write down what is the perfect home and then your partner see what you wrote. Ask open ended questions of each other, find out what is truly important for each one of you, when it come to the features of the home. Truly Listen! This way when you start seeing homes, you know what each other wants. One of the things, is that when a couple agrees and compromises, on what type and style of home, both people feel that they are heard and more excited about the process.  I love it when both people feel at the closing that they bought a home TOGETHER!

I welcome your thoughts on this.....

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters