Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Happy New Year to all..Some tips for 2014

I saw on a posting that my friend did on Facebook...

"Friends, I notice a lot of you posting "Ah! 2014 will be a good year!". Sorry to break the news but ALL years are the same: they all have 12 months, 52 year and 365 days (366 if it's a leap year). The one that needs to do and be good is YOU..."---Aaron Alarcon Bowen...

It made me think hard last night..that 2014 will be the same 365 days that every other year has but It is how we use the time to our benefit that matters..What are you going to do that will make 2014 a great year? I am a student of personal development and soak in the knowledge that I read and listen to...So here are some tips for making 2014 a great year...

1. What intake are you commit to in 2014? ...what books, what audio programs, what are you going to learn in 2014?

2. What associations with people are you going to try to make or deepen? You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with (Jim Rohn Quote)...you have to ask the question...are these people building me up or tearing me down? 

3. What is going to be your self talk for 2014? Do you see yourself as a winner or do you tear yourself down...

4. Do you have Handwritten Goals and a action plan in place? Do you make a conscious effort to do at least 5 things each day to help reach those goals...

5. Do you have a Crystal Clear Vision of what you want 2014 to look like? When your feet hit the floor in the morning...do you see the Vision?

There are many other tips for a Successful and Happy New Year...but these are mine that I am going to follow to help me have the Best New Year!

Happy New Year to all!

Jeffrey R. Carlson
RE/MAX Masters

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