Saturday, June 15, 2013

Show me someones actions and I will show you their priorities...

I have heard it said that if you want to see someone's priorities, show me their day-timer and checking account. I heard this from Dr. Alex Lackey from a Brian Buffini CD..he says that most conflict with priorities, is actual priorities vs. desired priorities...

At times, I have seen people who say that they want success in any circle in life, but their actions say another story. Have you sat down and really thought what is important to you? Which priority is the most important, Family, Spiritual, Business, Personal and Finance? Have you ranked them, and then have you looked on how you spend your time in a day? I know my priorities...and I am working hard towards my priorities and goals...are you? I think this quote below says it best when it comes to priorities..

“Action expresses priorities.” 
― Mahatma Gandhi

I invite you to sit and rank what priority is the most important...rank them..then sit down and set a goal for each priority and set an action plan to achieve each goal. I will admit, it is hard and takes some time to think what matters most to you. I have had conflict with myself and others because of my priorities, but my path is set and my actions will lead me to success on the path in life.

Jeffrey R. Carlson

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Real friends stab you in the front......

True friends stab you in the front.
Oscar Wilde

One thing lately that has been bothering me is people who will take great pains to stab you in the back but don't have the same courage to say it right to your face. I welcome constructive criticism, because it helps me to grow as a person and as a business person. If someone thinks, that I need to work on something, then tell me. Don't go and tell everyone else and forget to tell me. Also, one other thing, if someone is stabbing someone in the back to you, what do you think they are doing when you turn your back. Give me one friend, who will not sugar coat things and tell me the truth. I value that. I welcome that. That is how I grow. 

I have seen over the past couple of months, People stab my friends in the back and then go and do it to me. I am tired of it and I do not have time for it. when you allow this in your life, you allow negativity to enter your life. Have true friends, that will stab you in the front, treasure them like fine gold...I love a person who knows you are slightly weird, but loves you just the same...